Cet article est exceptionnellement proposé en anglais en raison de la participation de Wearethewords au MeetUp “Content marketing, stratégie de contenu” à Paris ce mardi 13/10 et au salon Digital First ce jeudi 15/10 à Bruxelles.
The power of content marketing. The need for performance.
Download our whitepaper to maximise your content ROI.
Content marketing is time-consuming and expensive. It requires a workflow, a process for creating content, and some organizational adjustments to be able to think like a publisher.
Today, quality and performance are the key concerns for European marketers, who are still struggling to measure ROI from content marketing.
- Content has limited value unless it is actually useful to users – this is the quality issue.
- Content has to be well distributed and shared to achieve maximum impact and deliver business results – this is the performance challenge.
Demonstrating content and organic performance to obtain full ROI of your content marketing requires a well-defined, continuous loop strategy based on 3 key elements:
- Customizing content
- Bridging the return gap
- Measuring Results