Content Performance: bridging the return gap

Content Performance: bridging the return gap

The power of content marketing. The need for performance. Download our whitepaper to maximise your content ROI.

Cet article est exceptionnellement proposé en anglais en raison de la participation de Wearethewords au MeetUp “Content marketing, stratégie de contenu” à Paris ce mardi 13/10 et au salon Digital First ce jeudi 15/10 à Bruxelles.

The power of content marketing. The need for performance.

Download our whitepaper to maximise your content ROI.

Content marketing is time-consuming and expensive. It requires a workflow, a process for creating content, and some organizational adjustments to be able to think like a publisher.

Today, quality and performance are the key concerns for European marketers, who are still struggling to measure ROI from content marketing.

  • Content has limited value unless it is actually useful to users – this is the quality issue.
  • Content has to be well distributed and shared to achieve maximum impact and deliver business results – this is the performance challenge.

Demonstrating content and organic performance to obtain full ROI of your content marketing requires a well-defined, continuous loop strategy based on 3 key elements:

  1. Customizing content
  2. Bridging the return gap
  3. Measuring Results

Maximizing content ROI is critical to deliver real value from your content marketing efforts.

Download our whitepaper to boost your content performances.

Table des matières

Content Performance: bridging the return gap

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